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 Wage peace with your breath.
Breathe in firemen and rubble,
breathe out whole buildings and flocks of red wing blackbirds.
Breathe in terrorists 
and breathe out sleeping children and freshly mown fields.
Breathe in confusion and breathe out maple trees.
Breathe in the fallen and breathe out lifelong friendships intact.
Wage peace with your listening: hearing sirens, pray loud.
Remember your tools: flower seeds, clothespins, clean rivers.
Make soup.

Play music, memorize the words for thank you in three languages.

Learn to knit, and make a hat.

Think of chaos as dancing raspberries,

imagine grief 
as the outbreath of beauty 
or the gesture of fish

Swim for the other side.

Wage peace.

Never has the world seemed so fresh and precious:

Have a cup of tea …and rejoice.

Act as if armistice has already arrived.
Celebrate today.


Judyth Hill ~  September 11, 2001

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Atomic Bliss: 

Passionate Yoga & Poetry Practice!

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We are born with the most incredible tools for ecstatic living—our senses, remembrance, imagination, intuition,

& ability to express.

Our miraculously wise bodies!


Join Madhuri & Judyth as we grow our skills & move in the world as embodied whole beings, fully & gratefully using all our innate tools!


Moving as a Tantric being means coming into luscious wholeness! Playing the body as an instrument of Gratitude & BeautyMaking, feeling our liveliness pouring out of our every pore—connecting to this World, the Beloveds, the mountains & rivers, with our eyes, our speaking, our poetry, our every sense & muscle, & with our loving.


Dive into the treasure chest of your own possibilities with Experienced Certified Anusara teacher Madhuri Martin & poet, storyista Judyth Hill. Join us to experience & explore powerful, ecstatic practices of asana, breathwork, chanting, writing, storytelling, & together we will discover each of our richest, most UNIQUE expressions of what it means to be deliciously, profoundly, Tantrically – ALIVE!


Join Madhuri & Judyth in La Conner, WA, this June, & bring ourselves into passionate, deep alignment with

our selves, each other, & our world! 

Join Us!

Friday, June 20, 2:00pm - 6:00pm 

Saturday, June 21, 8:00am - 12:30pm;  2:00pm - 5:30pm

Sunday, June 22, 8:00am – 12:30pm;  2:00pm - 5:30pm

Buy with PayPal
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